Hi, I'm Nicki.


Nicki’s magic comes from her compassionate work in bridging the gap between binge/emotional eating and weight loss goals (while most practitioners will only work on one or the other).

Learn more about Nicki

Lead dietitian
Michelle Shapiro Nutrition, LLC

About Nicki

I graduated from the University of Miami with a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Physiology and a minor in Sports Medicine, moving on to work as a Cardiac Device Specialist with pacemaker and defibrillator patients. I eventually shifted gears to pursue my lifelong passion for nutrition and fitness. I received my Masters in Nutrition from New York University and became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). 

Throughout many years of research and self-experimentation to fix my own health barriers (SIBO, anxiety, hypothyroid, acne, eating disorder), I've always had the most success when working with a team of providers who truly understood my conditions. It's my passion to be that guidance for you on YOUR health journey! 

Food, movement, and lifestyle habits have a huge impact on our physical and mental health. I understand what it’s like to feel like your body is working against you. My goal is to help you discover how simple and revitalizing it can be to finally work with your body and feel in control of your life again! 

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Nicki's expertise includes:

Weight loss (lovingly)

binge/emotional eating

Gut health



working with

We provide relentless support.

this is what sets us apart from any other nutrition practice.

We are compassionate and sturdy when our clients feel like they can't lift their head anymore.

You own every inch of your healing journey, but we are strong passengers alongside you.

We can be definitive and strong while still listening and witness the whole, important person in front of us.

How you feel and who you are is fascinating to us and fuels our recommendations.

We are


We are



got you.


what's the process of working with us 1:1?

We're so glad you asked!

06.                BIWEEKLY MEETINGS

05.                your personalized BATTLE PLAN

04.                INITIAL CONSULTATION

03.                BOOK YOUR INITIAL SESSION


01.                 APPLY TO WORK WITH US

One week after your initial session, you will receive your plan/ protocol based on your individual goals and needs. This plan will strategically target your overall health from every angle (lifestyle, breathwork, supplements, movement, scheduling, and of course - food!) It works as a step-by-step guide for how to feel better and heal. 

Your personalized battle plan

Step 05.



what's the process of working with us 1:1?

We're so glad you asked!

06.                BIWEEKLY MEETINGS

05.                your personalized BATTLE PLAN

04.                INITIAL CONSULTATION

03.                BOOK YOUR INITIAL SESSION


01.                 APPLY TO WORK WITH US

You will meet with your practitioner on a biweekly basis for your follow-up sessions (45 minute video call) to put your plan into action by setting small, achievable goals to get you closer and closer to feeling your best. Note that we can meet weekly instead if you need more frequent support!

Biweekly meetings with your practitioner

Step 06.



Basel R.

I came to Nicki after an episode of constant canker sores that at times were debilitating and I didn't know what to do. After our first conversation, Nicki helped to identify that this was a gut issue and immediately recommended I address my acidity issues through better nutrition and supplementation. After just a few days I already started to see a difference and my acidity issues have been 1000% times better! 

From a fitness standpoint Nicki has helped me to understand how I can continue to promote my goal of gaining more strength in the gym as well as better recover from training. Her strategies and nutrition plan have helped me to see serious progress at the gym.

Through my time working with Nicki I've seen incredible improvements in both my digestion, physical strength, and energy. 

Suzzette W.

 I have learned so much that has helped so far and I can't wait to see how much more I learn by the end of my time with Nicki. I am complex and have a lot of medical issues. The biggest thing I have learned is to focus on my rest and digest first before we get into the food. I am glad she has the knowledge to help me and not give up on me. I am finding happiness and joy for the first time in a long time!

This has been the most interesting nutritionist I have worked with to date.

I feel like my old self again. She helped me get my confidence and health back, and for that I am forever grateful.

Stacy T.

I have a much more balanced and emotionally healthy relationship with my eating habits. I also learned some useful tips for eating healthy when I don’t have a lot of time or I am traveling. I have a better understanding of how to get enough protein and when I should be eating to optimize my energy and health goals.

I was surprise to gain so much from my time with Nicki.