Hi, I'm Nina.

meet our gut-hormone whisperer

I am a tender hearted problem solver, who likes to think outside the box and connect the dots. My boundless sense of curiosity allows me to take a dynamic approach to healing — weaving together my love for functional testing, Chinese Medicine, nervous system regulation and more. When I am not building relationships with my clients, I am spending quality time with the people I love, being present, and giving tight hugs.

Learn more about Nina

About Nina

Nina Passero is a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), who utilizes various integrative practices to focus on reconnecting the entire system as a whole, not parts. She believes symptoms should not be silenced as they are the body’s way of communicating and providing information. By remaining curious, Nina is able to notice patterns and correlate symptoms with test results to ultimately reveal the story the body is so desperately trying to tell. 

Together, as a team, Nina works with her clients to create a protocol which feels supportive and nourishing. Nina’s support plans address 5 key areas of healing: food, sleep, energy, stress, and movement. Through bi-weekly follow ups, clients are able to receive personalized 1:1 support to ensure consistent progress and dive deeper. During calls, Nina observes not only what is happening physically, but also listens to what a client is feeling mentally and emotionally in order to optimize the body as a whole. 

Nina believes the body is always working to return to a state of homeostasis and it is her job as a practitioner to bridge the gap of understanding, by guiding the experience for both the body and client.

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Nina's expertise includes:

Gut health and optimization

Hormone balancing

Autoimmune disorders, including but not limited too: hashimoto’s, hyper/hypothyroidism, psoriasis

Acne, eczema, and skin conditions

Trying to Conceive (TTC), Pregnancy and Postpartum

Mineral balancing

Child development 

working with

We provide relentless support.

this is what sets us apart from any other nutrition practice.

We are compassionate and sturdy when our clients feel like they can't lift their head anymore.

You own every inch of your healing journey, but we are strong passengers alongside you.

We can be definitive and strong while still listening and witness the whole, important person in front of us.

How you feel and who you are is fascinating to us and fuels our recommendations.

We are


We are



got you.


what's the process of working with us 1:1?

We're so glad you asked!

06.                BIWEEKLY MEETINGS

05.                your personalized BATTLE PLAN

04.                INITIAL CONSULTATION

03.                BOOK YOUR INITIAL SESSION


01.                 APPLY TO WORK WITH US

One week after your initial session, you will receive your plan/ protocol based on your individual goals and needs. This plan will strategically target your overall health from every angle (lifestyle, breathwork, supplements, movement, scheduling, and of course - food!) It works as a step-by-step guide for how to feel better and heal. 

Your personalized battle plan

Step 05.



what's the process of working with us 1:1?

We're so glad you asked!

06.                BIWEEKLY MEETINGS

05.                your personalized BATTLE PLAN

04.                INITIAL CONSULTATION

03.                BOOK YOUR INITIAL SESSION


01.                 APPLY TO WORK WITH US

You will meet with your practitioner on a biweekly basis for your follow-up sessions (45 minute video call) to put your plan into action by setting small, achievable goals to get you closer and closer to feeling your best. Note that we can meet weekly instead if you need more frequent support!

Biweekly meetings with your practitioner

Step 06.

